NAPABA Law Foundation Scholarship Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to apply for a NAPABA Law Foundation Scholarship?
Our scholarships are made available, on a competitive basis, to students who are enrolled in an accredited U.S. law school or when applicable, accredited U.S. colleges and universities.

Do I have to be Asian Pacific American to apply?
No. The NAPABA Law Foundation strongly encourages applications from applicants reflecting diverse cultural and experiential backgrounds, people with disabilities and of diverse ethnic, racial, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds, work experiences, national origins, sexual orientations and ages.

I will be starting law school in the Fall, am I eligible to apply?
Yes. Please submit a statement from your law school certifying that you are a law degree candidate enrolled at least part-time. Many applicants already have a letter of matriculation which can be submitted to fulfill the NLF Scholarship application requirements.

If I'm thinking about law school but haven't applied or enrolled, can I still apply for a scholarship?
No, you must currently be enrolled in law school to be eligible for a scholarship. Students entering law school as first year students are eligible.

Will NLF confirm receipt of my application when sent?
No. Due to the high volume of applications, it is administratively prohibitive to provide acknowledgement/receipt of application.

What are the scholarship criteria?
The scholarships are generally awarded on the bases of academic achievement, financial need, leadership potential and commitment to/interest in serving the Asian Pacific American community. Of all the parts of the application, your essay carries the greatest weight. Please emphasize any experience you have that shows your commitment to bettering the AANHPI community. The committee will carefully review your transcript, letters of recommendation and resume along with this essay to determine if you are a good fit for one of the scholarships.

Do I need to send multiple applications if I want to apply for multiple scholarships?
No. Please fill out one NAPABA Law Foundation Scholarships Application to be considered for all scholarships.

Are there any guidelines for letters of recommendation?
Please submit two letters of recommendation. It is not necessary to submit more than two. If you do submit more than two letters of recommendations, the scholarship committee may only review the first two letters they receive. Letters may be sealed or unsealed.

Can I send the letters of recommendation under separate cover?
Yes. Letters of recommendation may be sent directly to from the recommender or under separate cover from the applicant. However, all letters of recommendation should be received not later than 2 weeks after the scholarship deadline for full consideration.

Can I submit a letter of recommendation that was written for law school admission or other purpose
Yes. The best letter of recommendation is one that can highlight why you should be awarded a scholarship. However, we recognize due to the summer travel schedule of recommenders that it is sometimes difficult to secure a timely letter.

What if I exceed the page length?
We believe writing concisely is a skill. Please do not allow your essay to exceed word count.

When will I know if I am awarded a scholarship?
Awardees will be notified based on the schedule outlined in the application. It is not necessary to email NLF for an update.

Can I contact NLF if I have questions?
Yes. However, ensure you have reviewed the entire application prior to contacting us. Questions can be sent to