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NLF Vanguards are an honorary group of NAPABA attorneys, judges, law faculty, and legal scholars whose public and private careers have demonstrated outstanding dedication to the AANHPI Community, the welfare of our broader communities, the highest principles of the legal profession, and the encouragement and recognition of commitment to sustaining NLF’s mission and programs.  

NLF Vanguards:

  • Provide funding for practical experience to early career attorneys who have a passion for public service, the protection of human and civil rights, and demonstrate commitment to AANHPI communities.

  • Encourage talented and aspiring law students by expanding the NLF Scholarships.

  • Recognize and support future leaders for their dedication to the AANHPI community.

  • Support the Thomas Tang National Moot Court Competition, highlighting and recognizing the oral and written advocacy skills of law students as they tackle critical legal issues impacting our community.

  • Expand NLF fellowship programs, including the Community Law Fellowship, to assist early career attorneys in pursuing public service careers.

All Vanguards who complete their initial pledges are immediately eligible to pledge an additional amount and be recognized at a higher Vanguard giving level designation. The additional pledge is required to be fulfilled within ten years, or this gift gift can be completed immediately.

Thank you to our Vanguards Reception Sponsors!

Jade Sponsors


Sandra Leung

Gold Sponsors

Laura Kingsley Hong

Daniel Hu

Nimesh Patel

Founding Vanguards*

Sandra J. Chan
Cyndie M. Chang
Lisa E. Chang
Sylvia Fung Chin ‡
Han C. Choi
Juliet K. Choi
Michael P. Chu

Pankit J. Doshi
Courtney Fong
Vivian Hsu ‖
Inchan J. Hwang
Leslie R. Jin
Christopher D. Kang
Judith S. Kim

Parkin Lee
Sang-yul Lee
Ronald Low
Amy Lin Meyerson
Daniel Sakaguchi
The Hon. Alvin T. Wong ‖

Honorary Vanguards

Paul W. Lee

Jeannie Lin ‖

* Membership limited to 2016-17 NLF board members.

‡ Champion Vanguard | ‖ Benefactor Vanguard | + Ambassador Vanguard

President Vanguards - $50,000

Chairperson Vanguards - $40,000

Governor Vanguards - $30,000

Ambassador Vanguards - $25,000

Michael P. Chu

Consul Vanguards - $20,000

Champion Vanguards - $15,000

Sylvia Fung Chin

Patron Vanguards - $10,000

Rear Admiral A.B. Cruz III, USN (ret.)

Jennifer Fang

The Hon. Ivan K. Fong

Laura Kingsley Hong

Barnaby Min

Duane Okamoto

Nimesh Patel

Bijal Vakil

Linda Mar Weidman

Benefactor Vanguards - $5,000

Tanya Bovee

Suzan Chau

Allyson and The Hon. James C. Ho

Alen H. Hsu

Vivian Hsu

Daniel David Hu

Hans Huang

John K. Kim

Judith Kim

Diana C. Liu

Gina N. Shishima

Julie Soo

Masahiro Takeda

Willard K. Tom

The Hon. Alvin T. Wong and Jeannie Lin

Tacie Yoon

Diane C. Yu

Donor Vanguards - $2,500

The Hon. Benes Aldana

Avanti Bakane

Carolynn Beck

Anne Benedict

Mari Bandoma Callado

Phil Cha

Sandra J. Chan

Tony Chan

Cyndie Chang

Lisa E. Chang

Vincent Chang

Wendy Chang

Dan Choi

Han Choi

Hogene L. Choi

Juliet Choi

Catherine Cullom

Jason J. DeJonker

James Derry

Victor Diune

Pankit Doshi

Courtney Fong

Lillian Leona Frank

The Hon. Margaret J. Fujioka

Kristy Gonowon

The Hon. Howard L. Halm

Sara Hamilton

William Hao

Jayanne Hino

Paul O. Hirose

Kay H. Hodge

Jeffrey Hsi

Inchan Hwang

Jin Y. Hwang

Bruce Ishimatsu

Nobuhisa Ishizuka

Jeffrey Javinar

Charles H. Jung

Sidney K. Kanazawa

Christopher D. Kang

Kenzo S. Kawanabe

Helen B. Kim

Jiny Kim

Raymond Kim

Christine Kong

Golda Lai

Alexander M. Lee

Nancy P. Lee

Sang-yul Lee

Angela Lim

Avni Mehta

Amy Lin Meyerson

Marty Lorenzo

Kevin R. Lyn

Dale Minami

Peggy A. Nagae

Craig Nakanishi

Phong Nguyễn

Manita Rawat

Peter Sabido

Daniel Sakaguchi

Gregory Schwartz

Anne Shaw

Wendy C. Shiba

Shannon Shin

Christopher T. Sukhaphadhana

Brian A. Sun

Peter M. Suzuki

John Ting

Lica Tomizuka

The Hon. John Tran

Elaine Tung

Johnny Wang

Bonnie Lee Wolf

Brendan Wong

Felix T. Woo

Angela Wu

George C. Wu

Arlene Yang

John C. Yang

Gary Zhao

Yao Zhu

Hoyt H. Zia